Meth Testing Services:

Professional meth testing services deliver cost effective solutions for all situations. Meth Testing Solutions can provide affordable and reliable testing for meth contaminated properties.

Damning new research has uncovered the alarming upward trend of meth use in Australian properties. A cause for concern, meth residue can create severe health and financial issues to owners and occupants. While the production of the insidious drug is troublesome, habitual smoking of meth in properties can result in the same levels of contamination.

If you are planning to buy or rent a property and suspect it has been contaminated by meth residue, there are several testing and assessment options available. Methamphetamine contamination vary rarely leaves any visible signs. Similarly, without your knowledge, any property your rent or purchase could have meth contamination. Consequently, professional meth testing is important to protect the health of any current or future occupants.

Option 1 – Instant Meth Testing Kits

Meth Testing Kits provide homeowners, real estate agents and building inspectors an instant DIY meth testing solution. A DIY Meth Test Kit will return a positive or negative meth detection result within minutes. Each Meth Testing Kit comes with instructions and is extremely easy to use. Meth Testing Kits should be used as a pre-purchase tool when buying a new home or investment property, between tenancies to ensure there is no methamphetamine contamination that might harm your next tenant or their family.

Do it yourself instant Meth Testing Kits can be purchased in packs of 3, 5 & 10.

Instant Meth Testing Kits

Advantages: Instant Meth Testing Kits
  • Ease – DIY Meth Testing Kits are simple to administer and easy to use

  • Instant Results – You get either a positive or negative result in 5 minutes

  • Discreet – No inspections or formal documentation is required so discretion is maintained when needed

Disadvantages: Instant Meth Testing Kits
  • No Exact Reading – A DIY Meth Test Kit only shows whether contamination is present over 0.5ug/100cm² not the actual level

  • No RAP – If the results are positive, a remediation action plan cannot be implemented without further testing

  • Additional Costs – Further Laboratory Testing is required if positive results occur, meaning further expenditure

Option 2 – Laboratory Composite Meth Testing

Where meth contamination is suspected, Laboratory Composite Meth Residue Testing is used. An onsite inspection is carried out and multiple individual samples are taken to determine if meth contamination is present. Samples are collected by trained sampling technicians and sent to an accredited laboratory for testing. The laboratory takes an extraction from each individual sample tube and combines them into one sample for analysis to provide an accurate, cost-effective testing method. An evidential report is compiled and sent to the client. The Laboratory Composite Meth Residue Test provides the client with a yes or no answer if meth is present providing an accurate indication of the total level of contamination.

Meth Residue Laboratory Testing
Advantages: Composite Meth Testing
  • Cost Effective – Because the screening company is being charged for one reading, the cost to the client is lower

  • Accurate Results – Samples from up to 10 rooms are analysed together, giving the client an accurate reading of the theoretical contamination level for all areas of the property, not just a positive or negative result

  • Professional Insight – Because the samples are being collected by a trained sampling technician, the client will receive insightful and developed advice on the state of the property

Disadvantages: Composite Meth Testing
  • No Exact Reading – Laboratory Composite Meth Residue Testing gives a ‘average’ result of contamination from all samples taken, not the actual level in each individual room

  • No RAP – A remediation action plan cannot be implemented without further testing as the levels are indicative of the whole of the property, not each individual room

  • Additional Costs – Further Laboratory Testing is required if positive results occur, meaning further expenditure

Option 3 – Individual Laboratory Meth Testing

If meth contamination is detected from the Laboratory Composite Testing and above 0.5ug/100cm² then the individual samples collected will be analysed.

The Discrete Forensic Assessment is ideal for anyone wanting to look at room by room testing to get a profile of the spread of meth contamination. Discrete Laboratory Testing allows clients make an informative decision on the best next step ensuring un-necessary costs are not spent. An evidential report is completed by the laboratory and sent to the client with any further recommendations. The Discrete Forensic Assessment is used to create a Remediation Action Plan.

Discrete Laboratory Testing is completed again once remediation is completed to ensure the property is habitable.

Individual Laboratory Meth Testing
  • Accurate Reading – Samples are analysed individually giving the client an exact reading of the contamination level for all areas of the property, not just a positive or negative result or theoretical result

  • Professional Insight – Because a trained technician is collecting the samples, the client will receive insightful and developed advice on the state of the property

  • RAP – Because each sample is analysed individually, the result will show an exact reading for each room so a Remediation Action Plan can be completed.

  • Cost – Discrete Laboratory Testing required each room of the property to be sampled, adding to the screening costs.

For most prospective homebuyers, building and pest, asbestos and pool fence inspections are commonplace. However, with the growing ice epidemic, meth testing is now gaining traction. Just like any pre-purchase inspection, it is recommended renters, homebuyers and investors have meth testing completed before signing on the dotted line. Meth contamination statistic are on the rise with an estimated 60-80% of all positive contamination results occurring in rental properties.

meth residue decontamination meth residue testing
Meth Residue Clean Ups

Each Meth Residue Decontamination job has its own unique set of difficulties. Normal cleaning with household cleaners will not remove meth residue and the chemicals from your property. Meth residue decontamination can involve a number of stringent and important steps followed by trained meth residue decontamination technicians to ensure the property is left in a non-hazardous, habitable state.

meth residue testing service areas
Service Areas

As meth use and production rises across Australia, so too does the need for meth residue testing. While meth residue is both odourless and invisible, exposure to the residue can lead to numerous and severe health consequences. If you are planning on buying or renting a property or suspect a property is contaminated, meth residue testing is crucial to ensure the integrity of the property.

diy meth residue testing kits
DIY Test Kits

When a home is purchased it is common to get a building and pest inspection, yet a meth inspection is not commonplace. The same applies for rental properties. No one wants to move into a health hazard.  A DIY Meth Test Kit is the perfect solution for to provide on the spot initial assessments of meth residue contamination before deciding if further testing or remediation is required.

meth residue testing news
News & Articles

For most people, building, pest, and pool fence inspections are commonplace. However, with the growing ice epidemic, meth testing is now gaining traction. Just like any pre-purchase inspection, it is recommended homebuyers and investors have meth testing completed before signing on the dotted line. Learn more about our services, contamination warning signs and worrying statistics.